The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A misty mountain hop...

It's Wednesday and I'm just starting to come down from the good, good high of last weekend.  Slight work-related drama aside, I finally had the chance to get together with a couple of girlfriends and let my hair down.  All of this accompanied by a spectacular soundtrack from my new favorite cover band, Get the Led Out!

In my usual fashion, I got an attack of nerves on Saturday morning and almost cancelled out on my "Girls Getaway with GTLO" plans.  Luckily, I texted my doubts to my pal CeeCee who immediately put my mind at ease with kind words to the effect of : "Newflash, Bozo!  We're all the same age and...we're the right age to really appreciate a Led Zepplin cover band, so get your ass up here!"

At this point, you guys know me -- I was embarrassed by my appearance, and that's what was holding me back from making a dash toward the Poconos.  The days when I was young, thin and pretty are starting to be a WAY TOO DISTANT memory.  Couple that with the fact that both of my friends, whom I have know since high school, by the way, look fabulous! and I always find myself looking for the nearest corner in which to hide.  I'm so glad that CeeCee loves me enough to see give me a good kick to the posterior! 

When I finally got to her mountain house (yeah, I got lost), CeeCee and Q had beverages and hot beef sandwiches at the ready.  Yum!  The giggling started immediately and did not let up all night.  We had front row seats for the show (can't begin to explain just how AWESOME it was!) and stayed for the Meet and Greet because Q knew a few members of the band.  I did have a momentary scare when I realized that I am acquaited with the bass player, who used to be in a band with a guy I dated back in my days of youth, thinness and beauty.  But the folks in this band were so sweet that I put aside those butterflies and reminded Bill that we had met before.  Guess what?  He didn't burst into guffaws and begin rolling on the floor, he smiled and seemed to recognize me despite the added padding. 

All in all, it was just the misty mountain hop that I needed.