The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

When there's nobody home...

I have avoided posting to this blog because my mood has been very sour lately.  This is your fair warning that tonight's edition is not going to be a light-hearted romp through the day-to-day life of Mama Jumbo.

Let me begin with my complete disgust with all things political.  That's not to say that I don't appreciate the form of government that was put in place by our Founding Fathers, because I absolutely do!  In fact, I would love if some of our present leaders would go back and do their homework about what they're supposed to be doing in Washington D.C. and, more importantly, what they're NOT supposed to be doing.

Quite frankly, Congress and the Obama Administration seem in desperate need of an enema because they are all full of crap.  There is absolutely no provision for a SUPER COMMITTEE charged with finding money fixes for the economy while the House of Reps panders to their Right-wing interest groups, the Senate bows at the alter of their Liberal interest groups and the President campaigns and fundraises for his re-election for the last 18 months of his present term.  Instead of actually doing the job that these folks are elected to do -- for the entire 2, 4 or 6 years -- at the half-way point, the focus turns toward keeping those jobs and away from any actual duties of the position.  If the provisions of the Constitution are so loosely followed that we can have a Super Committee of numbers crunchers put in charge and locked away in a smokey room, maybe the practice can also be put in place where members of Congress will have to take a year off between terms when they can focus solely on getting elected rather than prefunctorily on legislating.  Similarly, most recently, the President (who is rarely in Washington, D.C. anymore) made a fundraising sweep through California, topped off by a late-night talkshow appearance.  Mr. President, unemployment is over 9%, people are losing their homes and their hope and faith in the change you promised -- get off Leno's couch and get behind your desk in the Oval Office! 

In the words of two great Americans, please let's go back to the days when this was the shining city on a hill where we asked not what our country could do for us, but rather, what we could do for our country!

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