The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Gone for too long!

Wow, November came and went and I realize now that I only posted once that whole month.  Being short on words is so uncharacteristic, I have no idea what excuse to make.  A quick run-down includes that Jojo's cheer team made it to the regional finals, but then came in third which meant no trip to Disney this year.  Bo has started winter lacrosse, which consists of intense, specialized practices in small groups followed by high-energy indoor scrimmages.  It's a no-game league, but he enjoys it.  Lilo and Koko's karate schedule has smoothed out considerably now that the tournaments are over.  They did very well, and still get a kick out of it all (couldn't resist!), thank goodness!

So, I enumerate all of those turns of events and realize where my time has gone.  The good news is that I did start back with deep water aerobics (DWA) now that I have some time for self-improvement for the next couple of months.  It's just as hysterical as when I started all those moons ago.  This time, however, I know that I'll catch up in a couple weeks.  No fear of drowning -- but I'm still prone to water-logged giggles.

Because I have a severe discomfort with malls, I tend to do my Christmas shopping all year long when I see items on sale that I know the kids or Chuck will enjoy.  There are good things about this plan and bad things.  For example, I'm usually finished by the first week in December, which is a good thing.  On the other hand, I tend to forget some of my hiding places, so there are gifts lurking on dark places in my house that are yet to be discovered.  Those, once found, will turn into birthday gifts...either for my kids, my nephews/niece, or kid-pals who are still having birthday parties.  There have only been two times that I "found" a lost toy and couldn't come up with a recipient, and those went into the Toys for Tots barrel at the local library! 

Bo is getting older, which means that his requests are getting more expensive.  I have warned him that this will lead to a smaller pile than his sisters will get from Santa.  So far, he says that there will be no problem, he's a reformed "gift counter."  We'll see.  I'll put it this way...where I usually wrap the annual undies/socks gift all together in one big box, this year I plan to split them up into two smaller boxes to increase the numbers in Bo's corner of the room.  :)

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