The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Monday, August 15, 2011


On a RARE child-free weekend, I spent most of Saturday reconnecting with some of my great girlfriends.  There is nothing like spending some hours with folks who really know you -- I mean REALLY know you!  It's liberating.  No pretense needed.  Check the uber-Mom apron, the Teacher-of-the-Year cloak, and the Dolly Dimples Goodneighbor shoes at the door.  Some of these ladies knew me as a teenager, one as a college student, some of them knew me in my first disasterous marriage, some have only known me as a mom.  But then, I knew them all then, too!  The many faces of Tracy, all looking back at me from the same mirror.  Interesting, a bit scary, and then fun, fun, fun!

Of course, I did some reconnecting with Chuck, too.  Another thing that is necessary but, sadly, oh so rare.  How easy it is to get caught up in Mom/Dad world and forget that before we were a family, we were a couple.  His work has been booming lately, and my job is smack-dab in the crazy pre-semester period, so between those hats and then kid-obligations, we were truly spending way too many nights sitting next to one another while staring at a laptop screen, working before going to sleep, before getting up to go to work again.  No interaction whatsoever!  So, on Friday we had dinner at a Lebanese restaurant in Center City and then caught a Phillies game.  Sure, the game was terrible -- I am officially the bad luck charm for this particular pitcher -- but I thoroughly enjoyed just being Tracy spending time with my husband, Chuck.

Unfortunately, Sunday was rainy which usually brings on the mega-aches and pains of MS.  I swear I can feel every square inch of barometric pressure.  Ugh!  Then today, not only is it Monday, but it's STILL RAINING.  Blah, blah, blah...who the hell likes Mondays anyway?

I'm just gonna close my eyes and think back on my awesome weekend..."Hello!  My name is Tracy."

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