The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Toppling Over...

I'm not quite sure what is going on with the weather in southeastern Pennsylvania in August 2011, except to say that it's starting to get a little scary and a lot weird!  Usually we're in the "dog days" and I'm completely miserable because it's incredibly hot and humid with NO RAIN RELIEF anywhere in sight.  This year is just the opposite.  Well, we've had a couple of hot and humid days when I could feel my hair curling up throughout the day to the point where I leave school looking much different than when I walked in.  (I'll put it this way, I NEVER purposely sport an afro!)  Quite a few of these spontaneously rearranging hair events, however, have been started by rain rather than mere humidity.

Today, however, after many days of rain, a small earthquake and, before an impending Category 2 hurricane strike, a tree in our yard decided to uproot itself and take out wires on it's way to the ground.  I heard something strange (to say the least) and looked out to see the ass end of one of our big, old trees, surrounded by sparks.  My cellphone had been flashing a red battery icon at me repeatedly, and we had no telephone or electricty, so I went outside, turned on the car, plugged in the phone charger and called the electric company and the phone company to report downed wires.  Of course, since it was actually raining (again!) this morning, I wasn't worried about fire.  But, sitting in the car, in the rain, with the windows up, and waiting for the repairmen to appear did spark on of those aforementioned spontaneously rearranging hair events.

The "wire guys" appeared fairly quickly, but it took a long time to resolve the issue.  The "tree guys" also came by quickly, and their work took even longer.  I felt bad for them, working out in the rain in what must have been pretty dangerous conditions.  Unfortunately, hysteria was overwhelming me, and my hair was (as mentioned) crazy, so I'm pretty sure that they all were much more afraid of the conditions in my home than those outside.  Everytime I tried to ask a question, I dissolved into the giggles and had to make my excuses and walk away. cleared up later in the day and I decided to take Jojo to her cheer practice and walk the trail.  It's been a couple of days and I really needed to get some exercise and to walk off some tension.  Everything was going well; it was cool and refreshing (for August) and I wasn't huffing and puffing along like the little, red Engine that Could.  So, I'm feeling good...until I trip over a branch that fell across the path. 


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