The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

With all the grace of Frankenstein...


Day 2 of Deep Water Aerobics was a disaster!  I don't know how I became so uncoordinated yesterday, but I had more trouble keeping up tonight than I did on Day 1.  How is that possible?  I used to move and groove with the best of them: from the bump to the hustle, the bus stop to the freak, the running man to the cabbage patch.  Tonight I nearly drowned trying to pull off a can-can kick routine in 4 feet of water.  Hysterical!  Frankly, I was getting a real kick out of myself...much to the distress of my classmates who thought I had completely lost my mind by the end of class.

The Wednesday night class was much less crowded than the Monday night.  The other newbie did not come, but I hope she will be back on Monday.  One of the Old Guard asked me if I was going to Mall Walkers this weekend.  Uh, isn't Mall Walkers for the Silver Sneakers Club? As in Senior Citizens?  I'm sure she was trying to be nice...or legally blind....  Whatever, it can't be that she thinks I'm a member of The Club. 

Then another of the ladies squeeled "That's a great idea!"  Down girl!  But I am wondering if I should supplement the DWA with something over the weekend (I say now, while the endorphins are still flowing).  Mall Walkers, huh?  Is shopping involved?

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