The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Wowee Zowee!

6/27/11 - DWA #3

I am pleased and proud to annouce that I was able to keep up with the routines (for the most part) tonight!  Of course, I am speaking of the ones that we have done twice before.  However, there were two new routines that brought out the laughing hyena in me.  One of the Old Guard started laughing with me and told me that she gets a kick out of how much I'm enjoying myself.  I'm not so sure if I'm enjoying myself, or just laughing at myself, but whatever it is...I'll take it.

With the uber-unejoyable first half of my day, DWA was exactly what I needed.  I spent several hours dealing with a sticky personal issue that was festering and finally needed lancing.  Yep, that's how painful it was.  I'm surprised to admit that, by lunchtime, I started looking forward to DWA.  Of course, picking the kids up from camp and spending time with them over dinner was good, too.  But I am starting to understand the release that physical exercise can give after a tough day.  Hmmmmmm....

Tomorrow night it's laps at the Community Pool.  We're celebrating our youngest cub's birthday on Wednesday and going on vacation next week, so I will have to come up with exercise alternatives.  Laps for the rest of this week and I'm lookig forward to hikes and bike rides in Niagara.  I wonder how rusty I'm going to be when I can get back to DWA? 

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