The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Water Walking


Since I took the day off from the exercise regime yesterday to celebrate Koko's birthday, I knew I had to get some sort of physical activity in today or I would get off track.  My knee is still kind of sore which made walking around the block or taking a bike ride pretty unappealing.  I don't work until the afternoon on Thursdays, and the kids were driving me batty by 10:30 AM, so I decided to put the lap pool to a different purpose.

I had read an article about something call water walking.  Pretty self-explanatory stuff, i.e., you walk around the perimeter of a pool in water from waist-deep to shoulder-deep.  At one point, I was even thinking about taking a water walking class at the Y, but the times weren't convenient and I chose DWA instead.  Well, now that I've tried it, you would be surprised how much energy/effort it takes to put in more than a couple of circuits!  I told myself that I would do at least six circuits and, by the final go 'round, I was getting pretty slow.  Apparently it's not as important that you maintain consistent speed as it is to be in perpetual motion, meaning no stopping

The lifeguard at the lap pool seemed to be getting a kick out of the fact that I was walking around the pool.  I noticed that she was smiling each time I walked by.  When I was finished and toweling off, I asked her if I was the only one to use the lap pool as a track.  She admitted that there are a few folks who use the lap pool for water walking.  She had even read a couple of articles about it and was thinking about trying it herself.  As she added that last fact, I took a good look at her young, lithe figure.  Um, okay, I'll choose to believe that she is REALLY looking into water walking.  But, maybe she's just a polite young girl being kind to a middle aged lady who needs encouragement.  Either way...I'll take it!

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