The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Change in Focus in on the Way

Today was the Open Field event for Jojo's cheerleading and it rapidly became apparently that a change in focus will be needed, starting tomorrow.  My petitie flower (she just cracked the 50 pound ceiling!) is on one of the competition squads, which means that she'll have practices a-plenty.  With Bo playing fall lacrosse, and Lilo and Koko's karate tournament season kicking off in October, fall is BUSY to say the least. 
Now my challenge is how will I work my DWA/yoga/whatever fitness-regime-I-can-maintain dedication into all of this running aorund.  It's times like these that I would REALLY like to stop working outside the home.  Then I would have some time to do things for myself while the kids are in school, and my evenings and weekends could be dedicated to shuttling without conflicts and guilt.  Unfortunatley, that's not in the cards.  I'm going to have to get creative.

Here's the conflict, Jojo's practices are 4 nights/wk. from 6 - 8.  DWA is 7 - 8, so how I'm going to have to find a way to jump from pool to practice field QUICK!  Wednesday is really the only big problem because Chuck will be with Lilo and Koko at their standing dinner date/karate.  I'm going to talk to Smiley and Legs' replacement to see if I can miss the "cool down" routine (my favorite part!) to quickly change into dry clothes and pick Jojo up.  I can always shower at home. 

Why do we women always put so much on our own plates?  Now, ironically, trying to maintain a fitness regime is the indulgent ingredient.  Ugh!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Good-bye Legs

Sad news at DWA on Wednesday!  The Wednesday instructor, Legs, is going to be leaving in order to atend college.  I really enjoy the Wednesday sessions with Legs, and will miss her routines.  She is, obviously, a young women, and brought that to the sessions through the music and moves that we would perform.  Since I work in the field of higher ed, I can't knock her decision to attend college.  I'll just say that I wish she was attending a local school and could continue to act as the Wednesday DWA instructor.

On urging from some of the Wednesday Old Guard, I have decided to enroll in a yoga class that will begin in the fall.  As you know, I was hesitant to try yoga again since my disasterous forray into "hot room" yoga.  However, now that I know there is a difference, I will take the yoga lessons that ARE NOT held in a hot room.  If I get half of the results of a former co-worker, Cupcake, I just may make my way to the hot room again in the future.

All in all, progress after 1 month of DWA/swimming laps/water walking and watching what I eat = 3 pounds lost and less shortness of breath on exertion. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Inordinately Proud

Wow!  It was definitely HARD to drag my lazy butt off the couch and to the Y tonight.  I am just recovering from another MS relapse and want to do nothing more than lay around and lick my wounds.  Chuck took the kids to get haircuts and I stretched out on the couch.  Oh so comfy!  I'm really not usually a couch potato, so they were all shocked to come home and find me dozing.  Of course, the kids wanted me to stay home and read, watch magic tricks, chit-chat, etc., etc.  But Chuck was giving me that look that said, "You know you'll feel guilty!" and he was right.  I would have stewed for a couple of hours, feeling bad about myself for not going to DWA.  So...I heaved myself up, got into my suit and headed out.

Guess what?  It was one of the best session yet.  Maybe I should run late more often.  I didn't even have time to think about anything because they were just getting started when I walked into the pool area.  I grabbed a noodle and water weights and jumped right in, mid-routine.  The Old Guard all asked how I was feeling, which was nice.  Even Smiley, the Monday instructor, noticed that I slipped in the back row and gave me a thumbs up.  Wow!  It was nice to be missed, noticed and asked after.  I used that good feeling to bounce and bop through the rest of the routines and kept up without a problem.

I'm super-glad that I went to DWA tonight.  All in all, it was just what I needed to get back to the "land of the living."  Yeah, it would have felt good to get some extra rest, but it felt better to get some exercise.  Believe me, I'm the most suprised at this revelation.  Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Get real!

Maybe it's my mood today, but it just seems like I have awaken on Planet Dillusional! 

First, the Sunday morning shows:  John Boehner says that a deal was all but done, but the White House changed the goal lines...then he says the White House has never put a plan on the table.  If that's the case, what "deal" was almost done?  Debbie Wasserman-Schultz calls Allen West out in public on the floor of the Senate, and that is equated with a private email that he sent to her, (which she then turned around and gave to the press to make public) and nobody acknowledges the difference between making a public statement and sending a private email.  Rather than have a migraine relapse, I decided to turn off the tv and go online...

...only to read the next bit of unbelievable nonsense:  Bret Favre is comtemplating YET ANOTHER COME-BACK!  Either he is tired of limiting his sexting messages to his current recipient list, or he has suffered one too many concussions.  Or both!  Give me a flipping break, Bret!  At some point, one must acknowledge the chasm between what one wishes one COULD still do and what one CAN actually still do.  Do I remember how much fun I used to have dancing the night away with my friends?  You bet!  Would I still like to dance the night away with my friends?  Sure thing.  Would it STILL actually be fun to dance the night away with my friends?  Frankly, after an hour, it wouldn't be fun anymore because I would be exhausted.  You made a great living at football, Bret, and accomplished truly wonderful feats...hang up the cleats before the laughing-stock quotient overshadows all that!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Major Suck

Pardon my crass title, but it's the only thing I could come up with that accurately reflects how I feel tonight.  True confession time, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 11 years ago.  It's, thankfully, the relapsing-remitting type of MS which means that most of the time, nobody would ever know that I have the disease.  There are those times, however, that it rears it's ugly head and today is one of them. 

In fact, I had some muscle spasms and started to feel the fatigue part of MS a few days ago, but the eliptical debacle could be blamed for the muscle cramps and who isn't fatigued?  When I'm having an episode, I experience problems with my gait, double-vision, delibitating fatigue, muscle spasms, all-over joint pain and some speech issues.  Voila!  Today I woke up with all of the above.  Fun, huh?  So, as you've probably figured out by now, DWA did not happen tonight.

Actually, I intended to go anyway.  I have always read that exercise is good for muscle spasms, joint pain, etc.  But the dang fatigue after a day of work did not abate after taking a power-nap, and as the clock kept ticking toward DWA-hour, I was less and less enthusiastic about dragging myself upstairs (gait and joint pain), changing, dragging myself downstairs, driving to the Y (double-vision), walking from the parking lot to the locker room, putting my stuff in the locker (muscle spasms), walking to the pool, getting in the water and actually doing the moves.  I think you get my drift.

I'm disappointed in myself.  I'm annoyed that I have this blasted disease.  I'm sick of the incredible heatwave that most of the U.S. is experiencing -- always contributes as a trigger.  I'm seething at my ex-husband who has been a total buster lately and added to my daily stress (another trigger).  And, just as much as those emotions, I'm embarrassed that I have slipped on my resolution to participate in this class every Monday and Wednesday over the summer. 

So, now you see why the title of this entry is so fitting!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Just say no to the eliptical trainer!

In a moment of what can only be termed "temporary insanity," I had the brilliant idea that I could, on Tuesdays, use the eliptical trainer in the Y fitness center before picking the kids up from daycamp.  Uh...yeah, that was decidedly NOT a good idea!  If I felt uncoordinated and buffoonish during the first DWA sessions, this experience kicked it up to a whole new level.  Remember Bill Murray in "Lost in Translation?" got it.  I was sweating like a racehorse, chugging like a steam train and laughing like a hyena to the point where a trainer actually came by to help me dismount.  OMG -- I don't know when I'll be showing my face anywhere near the fitness center again.  In fact, I believe I will be donning a bag over my head when entering the Y anytime in the next few days.

Fresh from that humiliation, I picked the kids up only to have my son ask me what was wrong with me.  He actually was concerned enough to ask if I needed help out to the car and took my arm.  If I wasn't touched by the sweetness, I would have cuffed him acrossed the head!  I though exercise was supposed to give one a healthy glow?  Apparently, not in my case.

So, just as I was feeling good about my performance in yesterday's DWA and confident enough to try something new, reality brings me back to Earth with a thump.  Grrrrr...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Weekend realizations and affirmations

My first week back to work/working out has come to an end, and it's time to enjoy the weekend.  So, to kick off the fun, I decided that the gardens needed some serious attention.  My daughters wanted to try one of those roll-out garden mats this year, so we rolled on out along both sides of the walkway to the front steps and door.  Well, the verdict has been mixed.  It appears that the Bachelor's Buttons contained in the seed mats were abundant, but that's about it as far as I can tell.  They look nice, but a lot of weeds also came up and I have my suspiciouns that it's part and parcel with the seed mat.  So, it was weed-a-rama all morning.

Jojo just came home from a week at Girl Scout camp and immediately had a birthday sleep-over party to attend.  That's our little social butterfly.  Lilo and Koko had a karate party and Bo just wanted to hang with his friends.  While Chuck played chauffuer, I donned by Domestic Goddess toga and tackled the house.  How in the world does it get so cluttered in a week's time.  With a family our size, I should probably clean more than once a week, but that is not in the cards if I want to keep up with the DWA twice a week, which I do.

For years, I felt guilty about doing anything outside of the home that wasn't geared toward one of the kids, making a salary or the occasional lunch date with a friend (when the kids were in school and Chuck was at work).  You know what?  They were happy being the center of my universe, but I realized that I was not.  I feel much more fulfilled having a couple of hours each week that are carved out for nobody else but me.  So, I'll do the yardwork, the housework, the never-ending laundry, shuttle the kids around to various practices, games, parties, etc., and work outside of the home, but I also insist on "me time" and, for now, that's in the pool at the Y on Monday and Wednesday nights and in the Community lap pool (grrrrr.....) once during the weekend. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Feeling the Love Today!


Well, today is my 46th birthday and I was prepared to leave it on the down-low until I opened Facebook and remembered that they post birthdays.  This was shortly after a friend from work came by my desk and loudly wished me HAPPY BIRTHDAY!, followed by echoed sentiments around the room.  I'm overwhelmed and completely gratified by the outpouring of friendship.  Sometimes it's easy to get lost in the weeds of everyday life...the kids are driving me nuts, I'm having a spat with my hubby, bills-bills-bills...and it's nice to come into the clearing and realize how many folks are rooting for me.  Thanks, everyone! 

How am I celebrating the Big Day?  DWA tonight, of course.  Monday was my first night back from vacation and, believe me!, it was obvious that I had been gone for a week.  We did a ton of walking around, hiking the nature trails, swimming in Lake Ontario, but I must have been working different muscles because I was sore on Tuesday.  But, this time, it was sore in a good way because I have confirmation that the DWA is working.  No, I haven't noticed any great weight or inches lost, but I'm a little less breathless when I walk from the parking lot to my office, etc.  That and (this is the biggest surprise) I really like it!  It's nice to get out of the house and spend 50 mins. doing something just for me.  Maybe that makes me a little selfish, but I'll take it in my old age.  Ha, ha!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fun in the Sun


Lap pool, you mock me!  Sitting there with your glistening water, just daring me to dive in.  Ah, but what then?  Then I'll have to actually swim laps rather than dip and dive under the water and have fun.  Work?  It's the second-to-last-day of my vacation week.  I won't do it, I say, I won't....  Ha, ha, ha, ha....

And then, I woke up.  I knew it wouldn't take long for the kids to remember the Community Pool once we got back in town.  Surprisingly, they didn't start talking about it until we had unpacked and I was on load 3 of laundry yesterday.  Equally surprising was my husband's and my enthusiasm to go back as well.  Bo, our son, was off on a mountain adventure with his grandparents, so it was just the girls.  We all suited up and headed over.

I've had to take an antibiotic in the last few days, so I had to watch out for the sun.  Sunscreen with an SPF of 50 did the trick.  My hubby is super-diligent in slathering it on himself (since he's a fair-skinned redhead) and the girls.  Now, Jojo already has a base tan and I think it's because she's such a waterbug that any sunscreen is, inevitably, diluted.  Lilo and Koko, however, share their dad's issues with the sun and we have to watch both of them carefully. 

That being said, we all had a ball.  And, yes, I even got some exercise in the meantime. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Back to Reality...


The Niagara Falls 2011 Family Vacation is officially over.  I am sitting in my living room about to dive into the mountains of laundry that need folding, but wanted to write a few lines since I was negligent while on vacation.  I will admit that I wasn't as dilligent on the diet front as I could have/should have been, but I did exercise each day so it's a trade off.  I will get on the scale tomorrow morning with fingers crossed that I haven't gained any weigh this past week.  Afterall, gaining weight is my special talent in life.

A few observations: 

1.  We did all of the tourisy things at Niagara Falls, most of which with little to no lines.  I highly recommend the Discovery Pass that gets you into 5 attractions and a day on the trolley!  However, when we were in the only line that we encountered, for the Cave of the Winds, there was a very heavy woman a few people back from us who was laughing and joking and seemed to be having a ball.  I caught several people giving her dirty looks and one young, rude woman rolled her eyes and asked her friends "What's she so happy about, did the buffet just open up?" which was met with chuckles from her equally young and rude friends.  I took a closer look at the laughing woman and noticed that all of the people around her -- her companions, and the folks in front of them -- were also smiling and laughing.  Then I looked at the rude woman and noticed that she and all of her friends looked fairly miserable, arms folded and many heavy sighs about having to wait in line.  I wonder what happened in these young, pretty women's day that would make them so rude to someone they don't know and who isn't bothering anyone?  Is laughing and joking with your companions and folks in line so obnoxious a behavior that a stranger should feel free to say hurtful things about you? 

2.  When did it become okay to have a school-aged kid in a stroller?  We were walking the trails another day in Niagara Falls State Park and I noticed a set of parents pushing two strollers of kids who looked to be school aged -- I'd estimate between 5 - 8.  I thought that the kids must have some sort of handicap.  My daugher, who was carping about being tired and her feet hurting, looked at the kids and immediatley howled about how unfair it was that THEY DON'T HAVE TO WALK!  I pulled her aside and began the lecture about being more sensistive and that sometimes people have handicaps that require special assitance, etc.  The next thing I know, the Stroller Kids leap out of the strollers and run over to the ice cream stand to get some Dippin' Dots while their parents set up a blanket and settle in for the fireworks.  Gulp!  My daughter looked up at me with her arms crossed over her chest and all I could do was start digging in my wallet for ice cream.  Hey, I get that dealing with slower, lagging, complaining kids is no fun -- trust me! -- but, stollers?  Really? 

3.  While on the beach at Lake Ontario, I was sitting on a towel to dry off when I noticed a mom and a baby walking along to join their family consisting of a dad and two other young kids who were already frolicking in the shallows.  When she walked past me, I was greeted by a full-on view of about 3" of butt-crack.  I wasn't even looking for it, so anyone who was behind her must have had quite a show for, at least, a couple minutes.  She seemed nonplussed, walking along with her son with nary a tug at the shorts.  I looked over at my husband to see if he was enjoying the view but he was laying down with his eyes closed and missed it.  The woman plopped down on their beach blanket and began to change the little guy into a swim diaper and I started to scold myself for being such a prude.  Then she stood up and, I swear, her entire bare butt was hanging out of her shorts.  No undies, no thong, no bikini bottom, nothing.  She carried the baby down to her hubby, handed him over, and THEN noticed that she was mooning the whole beach.  Hey, I have a gaggle of kids myself, so I understand being distracted but how overwhelmed must one be to walk around without noticing that your ass is hanging out in broad daylight?  Weird!

All in all, it was a great week.  Some scolding and threatening of the kids for acting like wild animals, a bunch of sight-seeing and tons of smiles, laughter and fun memories!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence (from fat) Day!


7/3/2011 - We're on vacation on the shores of Lake Ontario, right next to a fantastic NY state park with a hiking trail to die for!  I took the kids to the beach last evening (mostly to give my hubby a break) and couldn't resist the waves.  Yeah, the water was a little chilly, but it's a natural lake so it's to be expected.  The kids were having a great time in the shallow part (with life guard) and I decided to go a bit further out and swim for a little while.  It was awesome!  I managed to swim along the shoreline for about 15 mins.  Then, of course, the kids started screaming, splashing each other and otherwise acting like maniacs, so my "me time" was effectively over.

7/4/2011 - I plan to make great use of the park today, first with a hike and then on the beach.  The hiking trail is 1.5 miles around and goes through open areas as well as the wooded areas.  The scenery while walking is remarkable!  I never realized how close Toronoto is to Lake Ontario, but we could actually see the city skyline from the walking trail.  This, of course, is additionally thrilling to my girls who are complete Justin Bieber fanatics and that is, apparently, his hometown.  LOL!  After hiking the trail, the plan is to head back to the beach.  More watery bliss!  The kids seem to be able to get along for a longer period of time while frolicking, which will give Chuck and I some time to converse on the sand.  Then, I'll head out to do the shoreline swim again.  I'll take the bow and feel good about myself for getting the exercise in while on vacation.

Tonight, I'll try to resist the hotdogs and mac salad for lighter picnic fare...and enjoy the fireworks.  Happy Birthday USA!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fun in Niagara Falls


It's officially family vacation time.  We headed out this morning and drove for seven hours with only one stop for lunch.  My husband is a trooper -- he knows that I don't like to drive and that sustained driving tires me out so he took on the task and never asked for me to spell him!  The cottage that we rented is adorable and we're really lookig forward to enjoying the area.

Have no fear, however, the quest for fitness knows no vacation.  We are within walking distance to the public beach on Lake Ontario and there is a great hiking trail nearby through a NY State park that I'm going to explore.  We're also planning on doing the usual sightseeing in the area and I'm especially looking forward to Old Fort Niagara.  Have I mentioned that I"m a bit of a history geek?

I'll be checking in with various fun, but maybe not nightly this week.  I hear some fireworks and am going to take a walk to try to find them!