The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Weekend realizations and affirmations

My first week back to work/working out has come to an end, and it's time to enjoy the weekend.  So, to kick off the fun, I decided that the gardens needed some serious attention.  My daughters wanted to try one of those roll-out garden mats this year, so we rolled on out along both sides of the walkway to the front steps and door.  Well, the verdict has been mixed.  It appears that the Bachelor's Buttons contained in the seed mats were abundant, but that's about it as far as I can tell.  They look nice, but a lot of weeds also came up and I have my suspiciouns that it's part and parcel with the seed mat.  So, it was weed-a-rama all morning.

Jojo just came home from a week at Girl Scout camp and immediately had a birthday sleep-over party to attend.  That's our little social butterfly.  Lilo and Koko had a karate party and Bo just wanted to hang with his friends.  While Chuck played chauffuer, I donned by Domestic Goddess toga and tackled the house.  How in the world does it get so cluttered in a week's time.  With a family our size, I should probably clean more than once a week, but that is not in the cards if I want to keep up with the DWA twice a week, which I do.

For years, I felt guilty about doing anything outside of the home that wasn't geared toward one of the kids, making a salary or the occasional lunch date with a friend (when the kids were in school and Chuck was at work).  You know what?  They were happy being the center of my universe, but I realized that I was not.  I feel much more fulfilled having a couple of hours each week that are carved out for nobody else but me.  So, I'll do the yardwork, the housework, the never-ending laundry, shuttle the kids around to various practices, games, parties, etc., and work outside of the home, but I also insist on "me time" and, for now, that's in the pool at the Y on Monday and Wednesday nights and in the Community lap pool (grrrrr.....) once during the weekend. 

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