The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Feeling the Love Today!


Well, today is my 46th birthday and I was prepared to leave it on the down-low until I opened Facebook and remembered that they post birthdays.  This was shortly after a friend from work came by my desk and loudly wished me HAPPY BIRTHDAY!, followed by echoed sentiments around the room.  I'm overwhelmed and completely gratified by the outpouring of friendship.  Sometimes it's easy to get lost in the weeds of everyday life...the kids are driving me nuts, I'm having a spat with my hubby, bills-bills-bills...and it's nice to come into the clearing and realize how many folks are rooting for me.  Thanks, everyone! 

How am I celebrating the Big Day?  DWA tonight, of course.  Monday was my first night back from vacation and, believe me!, it was obvious that I had been gone for a week.  We did a ton of walking around, hiking the nature trails, swimming in Lake Ontario, but I must have been working different muscles because I was sore on Tuesday.  But, this time, it was sore in a good way because I have confirmation that the DWA is working.  No, I haven't noticed any great weight or inches lost, but I'm a little less breathless when I walk from the parking lot to my office, etc.  That and (this is the biggest surprise) I really like it!  It's nice to get out of the house and spend 50 mins. doing something just for me.  Maybe that makes me a little selfish, but I'll take it in my old age.  Ha, ha!

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