The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Good-bye Legs

Sad news at DWA on Wednesday!  The Wednesday instructor, Legs, is going to be leaving in order to atend college.  I really enjoy the Wednesday sessions with Legs, and will miss her routines.  She is, obviously, a young women, and brought that to the sessions through the music and moves that we would perform.  Since I work in the field of higher ed, I can't knock her decision to attend college.  I'll just say that I wish she was attending a local school and could continue to act as the Wednesday DWA instructor.

On urging from some of the Wednesday Old Guard, I have decided to enroll in a yoga class that will begin in the fall.  As you know, I was hesitant to try yoga again since my disasterous forray into "hot room" yoga.  However, now that I know there is a difference, I will take the yoga lessons that ARE NOT held in a hot room.  If I get half of the results of a former co-worker, Cupcake, I just may make my way to the hot room again in the future.

All in all, progress after 1 month of DWA/swimming laps/water walking and watching what I eat = 3 pounds lost and less shortness of breath on exertion. 

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