The ruminations of an almost-46 year old, overweight wife and mom.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...what the hell happened?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Change in Focus in on the Way

Today was the Open Field event for Jojo's cheerleading and it rapidly became apparently that a change in focus will be needed, starting tomorrow.  My petitie flower (she just cracked the 50 pound ceiling!) is on one of the competition squads, which means that she'll have practices a-plenty.  With Bo playing fall lacrosse, and Lilo and Koko's karate tournament season kicking off in October, fall is BUSY to say the least. 
Now my challenge is how will I work my DWA/yoga/whatever fitness-regime-I-can-maintain dedication into all of this running aorund.  It's times like these that I would REALLY like to stop working outside the home.  Then I would have some time to do things for myself while the kids are in school, and my evenings and weekends could be dedicated to shuttling without conflicts and guilt.  Unfortunatley, that's not in the cards.  I'm going to have to get creative.

Here's the conflict, Jojo's practices are 4 nights/wk. from 6 - 8.  DWA is 7 - 8, so how I'm going to have to find a way to jump from pool to practice field QUICK!  Wednesday is really the only big problem because Chuck will be with Lilo and Koko at their standing dinner date/karate.  I'm going to talk to Smiley and Legs' replacement to see if I can miss the "cool down" routine (my favorite part!) to quickly change into dry clothes and pick Jojo up.  I can always shower at home. 

Why do we women always put so much on our own plates?  Now, ironically, trying to maintain a fitness regime is the indulgent ingredient.  Ugh!

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